Lincoln, the movie, directed by Steven Spielberg. Lincoln is played by Daniel Day Lewis.
Despite the constantly reverent treatment of Abraham Lincoln himself, and the sentimental music that swells whenever we should be instructed that something meaningful is happening, we enjoyed seeing this movie. The movie centers on Lincoln's efforts, in the weeks just before the Civil War ended, to get Congress to add the 13th amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery for good. It's not a high-minded process. It's amazing that a dramatic and at times funny 2+ hour movie was made about the workings of the democratic political process! Of course, we know how the movie ends, but that doesn't detract from the film's impact. I'm still thinking of Daniel Day Lewis mulling over his strategy in his sepia-toned office, with William Seward (played by David Strathairn) barking at him about how many more Congressional arms they have to twist, or buy, for the amendment to pass.
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